Free Resources and Downloads
Values Sort Worksheet
Understanding and clarifying your personal values can assist in improving emotion regulation and awareness, enhancing motivation, easing ambivalence and improving decision making, as well as fostering overall deeper self-awareness and confidence. This tool, while useful for personal self-discovery, can also be beneficial in assisting your therapist in getting to know you better. Download our free pdf worksheet to get started with your personal values discovery.
Emotion Exploration Exercise
Your emotions have a direct connection to your thoughts, physical sensations, and behaviors. Yet sometimes we get out of touch with exactly how we are feeling and why. Other times, we might never have learned a healthy way of processing, understanding, and utilizing our emotions. Your emotions are an information system highlighting and flagging what’s most important to you, what you need, what you want, and what was meaningful about past and present experiences. Understanding your emotions is crucial for navigating life’s complexities. Download our free emotion exploration exercise to get started on your self-reflection journey.